Micro-immunotherapy & Child’s immune system

A child’s immune system is not yet fully mature during their first years of life. While newborns have a certain amount of protection against infection in their first few months thanks to antibodies passed on from their mother, their immune system subsequently has to learn how to defend itself against harmful intruders. Thus, every infection represents a form of training for the defence units, so immunity can be built up little by little.1,2

The anatomical, physical and biochemical immaturity of children’s immune system makes them more prone to infection. Early childhood, particularly during the winter months, is thus accompanied by frequent infections of the air passages (e.g., multiple episodes of bronchitis, ear infections, inflammations of the nose and throat). In addition, viral diseases, such as chickenpox, are some of the most frequent childhood illnesses.

Nutritional deficiencies, environmental pollution and lack of sleep can further burden a child’s immune system and facilitate the onset of illnesses such as allergies (e.g., asthma, sniffing) and skin diseases (e.g., warts, eczema).

Micro-immunotherapy can be applied in pediatric medicine to provide gentle support to a child’s immature immune system when dealing with infections, thereby minimising the risk of reoccurrence. It can also have an immunoregulatory effect on illnesses related to an underlying misdirected immune response. Through the use of low and ultra-low doses of immune transmitters (e.g., cytokines), it is also well tolerated by the organism of very young children, and can be combined synergistically with other therapies.

  1. Levy O. Innate immunity of the newborn : basic mechanisms and clinical correlates. Nat Rev Immunol 2007 7(5): 379-390
  2. Ygberg, S. and Nilsson, A. (2012), The developing immune system – from foetus to toddler. Acta Paediatrica, 101: 120-127.
  3. Lewis DB, Wilson CB. Developmental immunology and role of host defenses in fetal and neonatal susceptibility to infection. In: Remington JS, Klein OJ, Wilson CB, Baker CJ. Infectious diseases of the fetus and the newborn infant. 6è éd. Philadelphia: Saunders/Elsevier. 2005, p. 87-210.

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