Patient experience

“I started to suffer from diarrhea 15 years ago. At first it came sporadically, when I was nervous or faced with non-routine situations. These problems grew so much until April 2020, that a normal bowel movement became exceptional. Neither gastrointestinal endoscopies, laboratory tests, changing my eating habits and/or leaving out certain food helped me in the long run. Moreover, a clear and visible arthrosis appeared on my hands. Mobility shrank as pain grew. Bone fractures, surgeries and overexerted articulations led to swellings and thickenings. Then I had the possibility to use micro-immunotherapy formulas without interrupting the intake of other medicines —Mirtazapin for the psyche (since 2005) and Xareto as an anticoagulant due to a lung embolism and thrombosis (from November 2019 to October 2020). Already during the first week of treatment, I felt that the swelling on my foot (operated in April 2019) and the corresponding movement limitations were decreasing. The combination of micro-immunotherapy and physiotherapy proved successful on the second day of treatment and allowed me to walk without pain after 3 months. However, due to arthrosis, a minor swelling still persists on the foot. Micro-immunotherapy was also beneficious regarding my intestinal problems; I could feel the first successes after only 2 weeks. 3 months later I was able to leave the house without fear of a possible diarrhea.”

“My twelve-year-old son regularly gets a proper cold in late summer, just in time for the start of school, which usually lasts for more than a week. His nose is so blocked that he can’t sleep through it. In addition, the mucus often leads to earaches and headaches. But he is especially sad that he cannot do his favourite sport.
Thanks to the micro-immunotherapeutic formula for immune support in acute, chronic and recurrent infections, in the case of a “normal” or also deficient immune state, we have come to grips with this yearly challenge. In addition, we have learned to take preventive measures so that the school year can be started without sick leave or a drop in performance.”

“I’m a classical ballet dancer. It is known that dancers frequently get strained at their feet and joints due to daily rehearsals and performances. An MRT revealed a bone marrow edema in my ankle. I was going through a lot of pain. The common homoeopathic medicines had no effect on me. My mom heard about micro-immunotherapy. She immediately contacted a therapist and was advised to use the formulas aimed at supporting the immune system in case of acute and subacute inflammation. After 10 days of therapy all the pain had disappeared. I’m still using micro-immunotherapy in a preventive way, mostly when dancing causes some overstrain”

“A hallux rigidus and a very thin articular gap triggered the heavy pain that I have suffered in the metatarsophalangeal joint for three years. My daily life was thereby limited, since I could no longer engage in my favorite hobbies, like walking or hiking, without going through a lot of pain. Long mountain tours were only possible with painkillers. After a three-month treatment with a specific micro-immunotherapy formula, I have not felt any pain for two years and I enjoy walking long distances by myself, as I only feel a bit of fatigue in my legs when I am finished. The treatment being successful has motivated me so much that I also treat smaller symptoms with micro-immunotherapy.”

“After many years, thanks to micro-immunotherapy I have finally found a treatment for my chronic fatigue that has brought back part of my health and my life. After searching the Internet I started looking for a micro-immunotherapist and found one in the list of therapists offered by MeGeMIT. After just a few sessions I was already feeling much better. Today I can work, take care of my family and enjoy life. I am very grateful for that.”

“I tested positive a few days after the first cough. The micro-immunotherapy formulas, together with other medicines, were a great support for me during a strenuous disease the symptoms of which were severe: strong cough, shortness of breath, a trance-like feeling, articular pain, no smell and, on top of that, a persisting long-term weariness. However, I found relief in micro-immunotherapy formulas: as I took them in the morning, the pressure in my head started to recede approximately a quarter of an hour later. In the long-term, micro-immunotherapy has contributed to loosening the phlegm, the receding of the pressure in my head and the comeback of clarity. I think micro-immunotherapy has accelerated recovery. For this reason, I am grateful that these formulas were given to me at the right time! At present I’m very well. All my values are within the green range and I can pursue my hobbies again”.

“My name is Irina Wiehtrager, I am 17 years old and I work in a pharmacy in Linz. Sadly, despite my young age I can’t really enjoy good health. Lying in bed every two weeks with fever, limb pains, feeling exhausted and with a clouded consciousness has almost become a normal thing for me during the past few years. Traditional approaches have not yet been able to provide me neither an explanation nor consequently a suitable treatment. Fortunately, and thanks to my colleague Mag. Gabriela Gabriel, I learned about micro-immunotherapy, a treatment strategy that has already helped me a great deal. Since I started my treatment with micro-immunotherapy formulas, the frequency of the attacks has decreased considerably and I now have more hope that I will soon be leaving this unpleasant situation behind me. This type of therapy requires patience, since the results are not noticeable overnight, but patience comes with its rewards. I have regained my quality of life. Even if I’m not quite at the end of the road yet, I can now look ahead with confidence.”

“I felt much better after starting micro-immunotherapy. I can only but recommend this treatment, which I combine with a diet containing black cumin, turmeric and ginger”.
Practitioner experience

I am a naturopath and physiotherapist with extensive experience in both professions. After an unsuccessful carpal tunnel surgery and numerous failed therapeutic attempts, micro-immunotherapy saved me from work incapacity. Using micro-immunotherapy formulas, I was able to control the severe inflammation at the surgical site and, seven months post-operation, recover from the psychological fatigue associated with the intervention. Currently, I am continuing treatment to further reduce the remaining nerve problems.
Today, I am an enthusiastic practitioner of micro-immunotherapy with several years of experience, and I can reflect on many successful outcomes with my patients.

For me, micro-immunotherapy is like learning to ride a bike with a training wheel! Sometimes our immune system also needs this training wheel until it has learnt to regulate itself again!
In my work as a holistic naturopath for functional medicine/stress medicine & TCM, I have repeatedly had very good success, especially in the areas of intestinal health/allergies, stress response/exhaustion syndromes and the desire to have children.
Lymphocyte typing allows us to examine the root causes, identify the origins of dysregulation, and understand the development of diseases.
After all, immunoregulation is the linchpin for everything else!

“What is different here, at the More Than Health retreat, to other retreats, is that we haven’t got any fixed formula for how we treat our patient. We assess our patients before they come, so we already have a rough idea of what they might need. And then we continue that here. So everybody who arrives has access to the whole team but gets an individual programme and that programme gets decided on a day-to-day basis.

What all have in common is that we train their digestive system, so they all get a Mayr approach to retrain that and we all have a big focus on the immune system, which is of course a centre of our well-being. I have different team members here, so we work with micro-immunotherapy, herbs, naturopathy … I work with medicine as such and diet. We combine lots of things together. It all is in a holistic approach because what my big focus is on, as well as the team’s, is the autonomic nervous system and the psychological and mental side.

I have two psychologists here and a sleep doctor on site. So we hold our clients really in a holistic setting. There is no standard recipe. Everybody gets a completely different approach. Now there are 10 people and they have 10 completely different treatment plans. Regarding the modalities, as I say… some of them are very deeply embedded, like micro-immunotherapy and fasting, but some have completely different needs”.

“When I started to work with micro-immunotherapy, I had a young patient (34 years old at the time) who had been complaining of partly severe, shooting, partly pressing pains in her left leg and foot for several weeks with varying intensity. Since these pains started, muscle fibrillations occurred again and again, and individual areas of skin on the left leg were often really painful.There was no indication of a herpetic lesion either in the history or in the examination. Neither CT, MRI nor neurological examination provided any explanation. In addition, the patient was suffering from a severe histamine intolerance, severe food intolerances and IgE-mediated food allergies. Her professional and private situation was also difficult. In summary, she was suffering from a rather profound exhaustion.As I couldn’t think of much more, I ordered various serologies and found massively elevated VZV IgG antibodies.Treatment with the micro-immunotherapy led to a noticeable reduction in leg complaints within 3 days.For me, this was the first time that a zoster sine herpete, always described rather obliquely in the literature, could be diagnosed and treated well”.

“I have been working with micro-immunotherapy for some years on my patients and I am pleased to be part of the team of trainers. The use of micro-immunotherapy formulas makes a difference in clinical practice. Not only to support immunity but also in acute and chronic diseases. I am sure the future of immunology will pass through this concept. The approach aims to support the immune system in a logical, intelligent and natural way, making it more adapted to overcome the imbalances it is subject to. I emphasize the area of virology and viral reactivations, where micro-immunotherapy is especially effective and constitutes an innovative and unique tool, as there are no other therapeutic tools that control viral reactivations, the cause of so many diseases, in such a targeted way”.

“I apply a holistic approach in my daily practice. Not only are micro-immunotherapy and micronutrient therapy an essential part of my therapeutic strategy, but I myself have developed two orthomolecular preparations. As immunity and metabolism are two closely intertwined systems, I address them jointly by regulating immune function and supplementing nutritional deficiencies. Through this synergistic combination of gentle and targeted therapies, I aim at steering immunometabolism back into balance, thus restoring the body’s capacity for self-regulation and regeneration. I have seen positive results with my patients and particularly advocate for micro-immunotherapy and immunometabolism as a promising approach for chronic diseases.”

“I learned to handle and finally managed to solve my problem with recurrent cystitis without antibiotics, using essential oils and other supportive treatments such as micro-immunotherapy. It now makes me so happy to look back at 5 years without cystitis after more than 20 years of recurrences, that I wanted to share it in a way that would reach everyone. Both women and men suffer from this condition, which is not only very uncomfortable and painful, but also complicated if it spreads to the kidneys”.

“Micro-immunotherapy is part of the diagnostic and therapeutic toolkit I use in my daily clinical practice. It gently regulates the immune system and is thus crucial for achieving a long-standing recovery”.

“I apply micro-immunotherapy as part of my integrative approach. I am the daughter of an internist and a surgeon and therefore I am familiar with the challenges of everyday practice in conventional medicine. As I know it first hand, I can say it is characterised by excessive bureaucracy, pressing cost issues and time pressure. I have now taken a different path in my functional medicine practice: I focus on uncovering the often complex dynamics of the causes behind the symptoms.
I primarily treat digestive disorders, immunologic disorders, like autoimmune diseases or allergies, and stress-related diseases. I also apply hypnotherapy to treat psychosomatic conditions or deep-rooted fears and conflicts. In my daily practice I combine traditional medicine with holistic, naturopathic medicine so that patients can benefit from both approaches. I keep up with the latest research through regular training in the field of complementary oncology, micro-immunotherapy or infectiology”.

“I have gathered several experiences with people who were taking or had taken psychotherapeutic drugs. In my 30 years of practice with multi-integrative kinesiology (meridian-specific techniques and brain integration) and additional micro-immunotherapy support for the last 7 years, as well as a nutritional concept which I discovered 3 years ago, I was able to provide my patients with attentive support, whereby they had no further need to take psychotherapeutic drugs. They felt much more lively and willing to change their lifestyles. It is always joyful to witness these processes. The combination and coordination of different therapeutic approaches is very important to me, provided it is adapted to every person’s individual needs.”

“My name is Roni Moya. I am a biomedical expert in immunology and longevity. I represent a global group of researchers and health professionals focused on advanced, healthy biomedical solutions to promote quality of life. Micro-immunotherapy, with its low physiological doses of immune and regenerative factors is a powerful, delicate and efficient tool to naturally and consistently control immune imbalances and build the basic foundations for the road to health. Micro-immunotherapy is part of an exponentially growing scientific field, with annual congresses, medical society and specialised trainings; constantly producing a deep and practical knowledge of immunology.”

“Micro-immunotherapy, as a low dose immunotherapy, provides support and helps in the regulation of the immune system. Within a therapeutic strategy it may aim to keep infections under control, manage inflammation or maintain the vitality of mitochondria”.