Our network

The British Society of Ecological Medicine (BSEM)
BSEM has existed as a professional body since 1983 and has made a major contribution to the integration of ecological principles into mainstream medicine in the UK. BSEM continues to promote education, research & collaboration.
The aims of the charity are to provide support, safety and a networking platform for doctors and other professionals who use the principles of Ecological Medicine in their practice by collecting and sharing of clinical audits and case studies and providing a discussion forum on clinical and scientific matters.
BSEM further aims to promote education and research into the field of Ecological Medicine by organising scientific meetings at both national and international level and by running training courses for doctors and other professionals. Over 2019 BSEM has also been offering introduction courses of micro- immunotherapy. They have been met with enthusiasm and keen interest, with the result that there is now a group of BSEM doctors and practitioners who have incorporated micro-immunotherapy into their practice and are meeting on a regular basis to discuss cases, share experiences and further establish the method in the UK.
More information at: www.bsem.org.uk
The Institute of Patient Centred Restorative Medicine
The Institute of Patient Centred Restorative Medicine started three years ago as an independent group of Healthcare Professionals from Ireland, UK, Russia and the Netherlands, who were passionate about innovative evidence based therapeutic approaches to treatment of chronic diseases. To satisfy our steadily deepening interest in micro-immunotherapy we went to various educational events in Europe. We met our fellow doctors from many countries who have been successfully combining these methods with conventional medicine in their clinical work for many years. These encounters and our own learning brought about an idea to create the Institute of Patient Centred Restorative Medicine.
Our goals are:
- Increase Healthcare Professionals’ trust and confidence in evidence based Low Dose Medicine Complementary This will be to an advantage of the general public in Ireland.
- Facilitate training and continuous professional development in micro-immunotherapy and make it available to the Healthcare Professionals in Ireland and the
- For the benefit of the general public promote inclusion of Low Dose Medicine therapeutic approaches in the mainstream curriculum of Medical
- Promote active patients’ involvement in one’s own healing More information at: www.ipcrm.ie
Cooperations with universities

Cooperations with other medical associations

Cooperations with therapists associations and schools

Cooperations with laboratories

Cooperations with companies